What They Do

Forward Montana Foundation is a homegrown, statewide, non-partisan, youth-led, grassroots organization whose mission is to train and mobilize the next generation of young leaders in the state of Montana.

In 2014 alone, Forward Montana leaders and volunteers registered more than 10,000 new voters statewide. The organization’s leadership training and development program graduated eight fellows and helped develop 50 interns. More than 400 additional volunteers contributed 5000+ hours of labor in support of young voter education and registration efforts.

What We Love

Forward Montana is incredibly effective at engaging 18 to 25 year olds to make a difference with issues they care about, while remembering the key ingredient to successful work is having fun. Whether it is their “pink bunny” voter registration drives or their “Trick-or-Vote” campaign around Halloween, Forward Montana knows how to engage next-gen leaders while putting a smile on peoples’ faces. Forward Montana’s methods and approach make young people want to be involved. Kendeda believes that younger Montantans have a vital role to play in shaping the state’s future, and represent a critical base of power whose voice needs to be heard.

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