Atlanta Equity
The Kendeda Fund envisions equitable access to high quality education and economic opportunity for historically marginalized populations and communities of color in metro Atlanta.

Girls’ Rights
We empower girls worldwide by helping create a world in which all girls have the capabilities, choices, and power to fully realize their human potential.

Gun Violence Prevention
We want all Americans to be safe from gun violence. The first step is to create the conditions for productive discussions around this issue, one where common sense prevails and those with divergent viewpoints can find new ways to collaborate and move forward around common goals.

We envision a day when Montana’s vibrant communities, wildlife and wildlands, and clean air and water are treasured by and protected for all.

People, Place, and Planet
We encourage communities to redefine prosperity, making them more vibrant places to live, more resourceful in hard times, and more capable of retaining the wealth they generate.

Southeast Sustainability
We envision a built environment for the Southeastern United States and beyond that is restorative of the planet’s ecological systems, fosters health and wellbeing, and promotes just and equitable economic opportunity for all.

We believe that time in nature and outdoor activities can be powerful forces for healing, rehabilitation, and restoration for Americans returning from military service. We want to support veterans and their loved ones on their path toward reconnection, the building of resilience, and mental and physical health.