We envision wellbeing for all within the ecological means of the planet. True sustainability links social and ecological challenges. We seek a world that embeds an understanding of the earth’s planetary boundaries into solutions for more just and equitable societies.


The Kendeda Fund works to advance community-based solutions to social and ecological challenges by supporting organizations and projects that:
  • Advance green building design, community-design, and public interest architecture.
  • Champion community wealth building and sustainability strategies.
  • Leverage innovation of cities to advance equity and sustainability.
We also support projects that build capacity to advocate changes to the consumption patterns that compound inequities in social wellbeing and the degradation of natural resources. We aim to:
  • Expand understanding of, and access to, new economic models that advance patterns of sustainable consumption.
  • Encourage activism that promotes solutions to the social and equity challenges caused by climate change.


Redefine Prosperity

We seek to help communities redefine prosperity, making them more vibrant places to live, more resourceful in hard times, and more capable of retaining and benefiting from the wealth they generate

Promote Economic Models that Respect the Earth

We believe new economic models should embed planetary boundaries and social foundations continue to gain a foothold at the local, municipal, and regional levels.

Ensure Sustainability Drives the Agenda

Complex global challenges like climate change should become the drivers for solutions-based, equitable decision-making. We help young people and community leaders gain the skills and knowledge to become active participants in addressing these challenges.


Our People, Place, and Planet work aims to address social and ecological challenges through community-based solutions and leadership. Here are a few of The Kendeda Fund’s partners that are making a difference.

Storytelling as a Force For Change

Sundance Institute

Fostering Economic Resilience for Low-Income Workers

Project Equity

Building Community Wealth and Sustainable Development

Democracy Collaborative

Photo credit: | Photo credit: Kendall College of Art and Design