Diane works at the intersection of issues related to economics, equity, and the environment. She led the creation of, and continues to manage the Environment Program at the Kendeda Fund with a focus on addressing climate change, building community wealth, advancing sustainable design, and expanding equitable innovation in cities. All of Kendeda’s environment-related grantmaking is prioritized to expand prosperity for all within the means of the planet.

Formerly, Diane served as Executive Director at the Beldon Fund, as Program Officer at the Tides Foundation, and consulted with the Putnam Foundation.

A Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (Mali 1983-1985), Diane is a graduate of Yale University.

How do you unwind or recharge your batteries?

On a daily basis, I unwind in the kitchen, creating meals and baking. My batteries are recharged on walks in nature with family and friends. I’m often looking around to witness the smallest miracles.

Photo credit: Harry Connolly, Enterprise Community Partners