What They Do

The Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) uses the power of the law to champion the environment of the Southeast. Their team of more than 70 dedicated attorneys stands up for all the things we love about this special region—clean water, healthy air, mountains and forests, the coast. By working at the national, regional, state, and local levels, and in all three branches of government, SELC is able to do what it takes to get results. SELC strengthens laws, makes government agencies do their job, and, when necessary, goes to court to stop environmental abuses. With more than 30 years of results-based success, SELC has earned a reputation as the Southeast’s leader in environmental protection and a leading voice on energy reform.

 What We Love

The Southeast has begun to take part in the clean energy revolution, and SELC is working to accelerate that transformation. Their advocacy includes addressing the historic inequities that prevent many citizens and communities in the region from reaping the health and economic benefits of clean energy. “Clean energy for all” is their motto because SELC believes all citizens should be able to experience the financial savings that come with solar and efficiency measures, and no family should have to choose between putting food on the table and paying their energy bill.

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