What They Do

Grants to Green helps nonprofits go green. Nonprofits everywhere are under constant pressure to reduce expenses. Up to 48 percent of nonprofits are experiencing reduced government funding, and 56 percent are unable to meet the demand for services. Worse still, utility costs are rising, and structures and equipment are aging. To stay focused on their missions, these critical community organizations need support to operate as efficiently as possible. Grants to Green is a powerful community initiative that provides knowledge, technical advice, and funding to nonprofits so they can improve their buildings and structures, conserve energy and water, and reduce utility costs.

What We Love

Grants to Green proves that its theory of change works, again and again. What started in Georgia is now being replicated in  Northeastern Iowa and Maine. In the Atlanta area alone nearly 175 nonprofit groups are saving over $1.5 million annually in combined energy and water costs. That’s money they can use to further their missions. Grants to Green has helped prove that nonprofits can become centers of sustainability—modeling what’s possible for the private sector and creating exemplars for how to run energy efficient businesses.

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