What They Do

CARE’s mission is to serve individuals and families in the world’s poorest communities. CARE facilitates lasting change by:

  • Strengthening capacity for self-help;
  • Providing economic opportunity;
  • Delivering relief in emergencies;
  • Influencing policy decisions at all levels; and
  • Addressing discrimination in all its forms.

CARE is committed to supporting the empowerment of poor women and girls, as a primary goal and in recognition that poverty is inextricably linked to social marginalization and discrimination. As part of this effort, it launched the Tipping Point project in partnership with The Kendeda Fund to address child marriage in Bangladesh and Nepal through a dynamic process of innovation, insight, and influence through advocacy.

What We Love

CARE is a large multinational NGO that has demonstrated a unique ability to craft locally relevant programming. Over 90 percent of field staff are local citizens. The Tipping Point team is deeply committed to working with girls and women as well as young grooms, fathers, and community leaders.

Photo credit: Carey Wagner, CARE

Fund Advisor