What They Do

Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation (CDC), located on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, empowers Lakota youth & families to improve the health, culture, and environment of their communities, through the healing and strengthening of cultural identity.

In 1998 the rebirth of the ancient rite of traditional Lakota Sun Dance was reintroduced in the Thunder Valley community. This celebration of sacrifice, life and rebirth lay the foundation for change within a frame of culture, tradition, and a renewed sense of responsibility toward family and community. Thunder Valley CDC focuses on four core areas: people, housing, health, and jobs.

What We Love

Thunder Valley CDC weaves together community-driven design, community wealth building, and strengthening prosperity through innovation that emerges from strong values and tradition. The organization sees each of its programs as part of a regenerative economic system to strengthen the Oglala Lakota people.

Photo credit: Andrew Iron Shell

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