What They Do

Grist is a source of intelligent, irreverent environmental news and commentary. It covers climate, energy, food, cities, politics, business, green living, and the occasional adorable baby animal. Each day, the online magazine points its readers to the news that matters most, and translates wonky issues into stories that make sense.

Grist’s goal is to get people talking, thinking, and taking action. And it’s working: the magazine now reaches a community of more than 2 million people a month. Sixty-five percent of them do something based on our content. Mainstream media quotes Grist. Policymakers sit up and take notice.

What We Love

Grist provides online news, analysis, and advice that transforms readers into active citizens who are making their lives and communities more sustainable. Grist’s relentless experimentation with ways to work better (on everything from reporting to fundraising) pays off with increased impact and new opportunities.

Photo credit: USDA/South Dakota NRCS

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