What They Do

The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting is a nonprofit journalism organization. Dedicated to promoting of in-depth engagement with underreported global affairs, the Center sponsors quality international journalism across all media platforms and an innovative program of outreach and education.

Founded in 2006, the Center now supports over 100 public-interest reporting projects each year, as well as 400 events at schools and universities, and a rapidly expanding set of online resources. Their educational initiatives present further opportunities to raise awareness of the topics covered in the reporting—from women and children in crisis to climate change adaptation, population growth, and the social and environmental local costs of global goods.

What We Love

The Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting has turned the crisis of journalism into an opportunity to create new ways of accessing information. While newspapers lay off staff and reduce capacity to cover complex stories, the Pulitzer Center has developed an entrepreneurial approach that upholds accuracy and journalistic integrity as the backbone of every story.

Photo credit: Katie Orlinsky, 2015

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